Monday, August 22, 2011

Presentation with Typography

So I'm hard at work on some fun projects right now, and stumbled upon this amazing graphic on Typography I just had to share!  
With visual stimulators being the primary method through which we take in information, it is critically important to present things in visually the right way so as to appeal to your audience most effectively.  


Check out the original post here: 


  1. Thanks for the comment...looking forward to meeting you in Boston!

  2. Ha - I love how some fonts are supposed to be easier to read than others. Do you think that is so? Is Helvetica easier to read than Ariel?

  3. Oh definitely! This sounds kind of ridiculous, but I do love helvetica over ariel, it's such a great default! haha I've been downloading so many new fonts lately, they're just such fun to try! They totally send off different messages/vibes.
